Who I am and why you should read this blog

My name is Angela Mumby, or at least it used to be. Back before I got married Mumby was my maiden name. Then I changed my name, as do most women in the Western world when they get married, and for a very long time didn’t use my maiden name at all. I even got divorced and kept my married name because I thought it would be easier for my son to have a Mum with the same name as him. Well now he is all grown up and I am free to use whatever name I damn well please and so for some things I am using my maiden name… my real name, if you like.

That’s who I am. Why you should read…. well of course you don’t have to. Of course in the spin of things there are a lot of blogs out there that give you a journal of the bloggers life on a day-to-day basis. I don not intend to be one of those. I’ve never kept a journal. I have problems with diaries. I see writing down what I’ve done during the day as a chore. However, I see what I’ve done and what I’ve learned from as useful knowledge that may be worth passing on. Hence, the blog…. plus it enables me to try out what blogging of this nature is all about and that means I will be better able to help my son with his film blog.

So, for now, this is Angela Mumby saying you may find some useful stuff here about life, spirituality, healing, your personal well-being and growth and then again, you may not.

~ by angelamumby on June 26, 2009.

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